На мыло пришел очередной спам в нигерийском стиле. Но на сей раз он меня восхитил сюжетом:
Anti-Terrorist and International Fraud Division Federal Bureau Of Investigation.
Seattle, Washington 98101-2904
Telephone/Fax Number: +1(206) 426-2866Attn: Beneficiary
This is to Officially inform you that it has come to our notice and we have thoroughly completed an Investigation with the help of our Intelligence Monitoring Network System that you legally won the sum of $850,000.00 US Dollars from a Lottery Company in the United Kingdom
Каково, а? Не какой-нибудь там очередной племянник лейтенанта Шмидта! Бабки от самого ФБР, да еще и в Великобритании!
Аффтару респект, адназначна.
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